Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My story.

All my life, people look down on me. Like I am nothing more than a weak person. Always not good enough, always not pretty enough and always not bright enough. All my life, I am afraid to speak out, i am afraid to voice out how i felt, I am afraid to be criticize,  i am afraid to be ignore and i am afraid to speak to strangers even if they are the same gender as me! I don't have a lot of friend because the friendship that I build usually doesn't last that long and I don't know how to appreciate my friend. I am sorry, I am sorry because i am not being a good and the best friend for you.  For all of you, if any reading this.

My primary school was a nightmare. I always being bullied by my friends and even my teacher. I even afraid to go to my school those days. I always skip school one to three days of school week. You can imagine how many days that I am absent don't you. Teacher, please don't get me wrong. Some of you change my life and make me crave to be a better person but some have given me a nightmare. I am sorry if i didn't do your homework and my attitude makes you loss your temper. But I need you, I need your guidance and support. My friend in primary school, I am sorry but I really hate you guys. I didn't know if we are even a friend. The harsh treatment that you all gives really hurts me.

To be continued.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Industrial Training

One more month to go for industrial training. Just wish me luck because this is the month for me to face the jerk. Yes, it may sound weird but that is the name i am going to call him. Whatever it is, this is how i felt through out this experience.

xoxo zara ;)